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"Alexa. How Do I Find Liberation, Freedom, & Authenticity?" Neo Tantra, Obviously!

Writer's picture: LonaLona

Lona shares how Neo Tantra is a path of liberation

Ok, you're probably not asking Alexa or Google these kinds of enlightened questions. But I asked ChatGPT this question for fun and it basically described Tantra without saying the word! ChatGPT said that liberation, freedom, and authenticity come from questioning your beliefs, breaking free of external constraints, embracing uncertainty, mindfulness and presence, simplification, autonomy and boundaries, self-reflection, dropping the masks, and having courage to be vulnerable. It added that community was an important part for integration. Imagine finding a path to do all these things separately! This would be a full-time job!

Neo Tantra offers the answers. At the end I offer a practice to start exploring on your own.

Now, I understand why ChatGPT wouldn't recommend a specific way of life, so I asked a follow up question. Which spiritual belief system would get me these results? It listed 6 different belief systems. And Tantra didn't come up there either, although it listed several Tantra adjacent ones like Buddhism, Taoism, and Sufism.

Tantra and Neo Tantra, at their core, are paths of liberation! Through deep inner work, silent and active meditation, embodied energy, radical acceptance, and expanded consciousness you will find liberation, freedom, and authenticity.

There are many forms and lineages of Tantra and Neo Tantra, but I will talk broadly about these paths here today. I've linked a related blog at the end that explains the many differences between Tantra and Neo Tantra if you're interested! In Tantra and Neo Tantra radical acceptance often leads the way. This is about stopping trying to change everything in the hopes that one day you will be free, but accepting everything exactly as it is in this moment and still finding yourself in it. It's also about shadow work. They definitely don't use this term in Tantra, but it's still shadow work nonetheless! In Tantric lineages they are trying to get you to accept even the parts of yourself you hate.

Is there an inner cunt inside you that you fear when she makes an appearance? Maybe there's a part of you that's defiantly controlling that you are ashamed of. Or maybe you're so embarrassed of your inner greedy little slut who is always trying to get you to flirt with strangers at music festivals. We all have pieces that we don't prefer inside us. These we identify as our shadows. And you will never be liberated, free, or authentic if you allow these pieces to stay in the shadows.

We choose to embody these pieces, because in Tantra we know that these pieces are intelligent, divine parts of us that are our teachers! These are the portals to our most expansive consciousness! And when you stop fearing, denying, and pushing away literal pieces of yourself, then you can start to move into liberation! This is radical acceptance. And it works on the outside world as much as it works on the inside world. Fired from your job? Well, there are 3 paths you can take. Spiral down the rabbit hole and convince yourself that you're a worthless piece of shit. Do absolutely nothing and remain unchanged. Or accept this situation as another portal for your expansion and dive in deeper.

Learning to feel, move, and integrate your energy is also a big part of Tantra. Classical Tantra sees the world through the lens of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva represents pure consciousness (or potential energy), and Shakti represents divine energy (dynamic, creative energy). These two forces make up the world and you. And they are energies within and without.

Many of us have never been taught the truth and power of energy work. Mainstream society still believes it's spiritual woo woo. But science has proven that you can not only feel but move and influence your energy. Energy is like air, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Tantra and Neo Tantra teach us that energy is an integral part of the human experience, and that it can lead to incredible expansions in your consciousness! This will lead you to trust yourself, and to be vulnerable. Two things that will lead you to your own liberation!

There are so many ways that Tantra and Neo Tantra can lead you towards liberation, freedom, and authenticity! Here's a practice to start to feel your own energy, which will start you down the path of liberation! If you've never done this before it may take a few attempts to become sensitive to these subtle energies. This is a practice, and you may have never worked these muscles before, so come to this with vulnerability, courage, and humbleness. Leave perfectionism at the door.

The number one rule of energy is that where attention goes, energy flows. You do this all the time every single day. If you can focus the majority of your attention somewhere, your energy will naturally flow there. You're doing it now as you read this blog, but you're just sending your energy to your device. Imagine what you can do if you send it somewhere in your body!

Energy speaks in sensations. Sensations are like tingles, heat, cold, heavy, light, expanded, contracted, etc, etc. Don't deny any sensation that arises by talking yourself out of it. I have seen many people deny themselves, thinking oh that's just my shirt pressing against my skin, or that's just my arm, it always does that. Trust yourself and trust the energy. The energy is intelligent.

Start by taking a few long deep breaths through the nose and sigh on the exhale. This will help drop you into your body. Then focus your entire attention on your left palm. Keep your palm relaxed, and when your mind wanders gently return your attention to the palm. The mind will wander, that's what it's designed to do. So, it's extra important to keep returning your attention over and over. Set a timer for a full minute and keep focusing. At the end of the minute take notice of the sensations in your left palm.

This is the energy speaking to you! And it can speak through any sensation! Numbness is also so welcome here. If you get to the end and feel nothing, then thank yourself for trying and commit to trying again. You can try again immediately or schedule a time to do the practice again. This is just like a muscle you would train with weights. The more you practice, the more sensitive you become to the sensations! Every single human on this planet is capable of feeling their own energy, including you!

If you're interested in learning more about energy and going even deeper, then I have public and private workshops available to help you learn! My next public workshop is on Sunday December 8th in Bremerton, WA. Or you can book a Private Workshop to discover what is blocking you from feeling your energy and learn how to go even deeper! Click the menu on my website to find out more! Or if you're really searching for liberation, freedom, and authenticity then check out my coaching programs, which are designed to bring you just that!

INSPRIED ACTION: Give this practice a try and journal about what you discovered.


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